I am looking for a new job...maybe bear trainer is my destiny...just hope I don't have to wear that jacket...
Our visit consisted of a walk around campus, seeing a few profs over in PGill (go Profs Murray and Richter), obligatory lunch at the den, and general reminiscing about our individual experiences at Bates (we didn't meet at Bates until a few months before graduating and then only as friends). The only bummer is that the fall colors on campus hadn't really come out yet - might need to head back up for homecoming weekend here in a few weeks. We had planned on a beer at the Blue Goose but couldn't drag ourselves into that joint at 4 in the afternoon.
So off apple picking we went - one of Julie's favorite fall things to do and, since it leads eventually to us making Apple Crisp (when made by Julie the best dessert around), one of mine too. We headed up to Wallingford Farms to climb in the trees (me reliving childhood) and pick way too many apples. Much fun though.
Pics below